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Ready to Share the Gospel?

Check out our App! An effective gospel presentation at your fingertips.

Training you to effectively share your faith through relational evangelism and discipleship

How it Works

Work with The Exchange


Overview of Seminar



Video Series



A Discovery Call



A Seminar


Meet Our Trainers

Jeff & Anna Musgrave

Author & Founders of The Exchange

Church Planters & Lead Pastor for 30+ years
Doctor of Divinity, Exchange Trainer for 14+ Years

Pastor Brad Stille

Lead Pastor 14+ years

Exchange Trainer
Masters in Bible

Pastor Joel Mosier

Lead Paster 14+ years

Exchange Trainer
Master of Divinity

Pastor Matt Fagan

Lead Pastor for 23+ years

Church Planter
Exchange Trainer

Pastor Josh Musgrave

Church Planter & Lead Pastor for 15+ years

Exchange Trainer
Masters in Biblical Counseling

Pastor George Binoka

Missionary & Church Planter in East Africa

Experience Preaching at 30+ Camps
Master of Divinity

But what if there was another way – a better way?

What if you could equip yourself and other believers in your church family to more effectively reach the people in your circles of influence through relational evangelism?

Programmatic Evangelism

While going door-to-door and/or simply cold-inviting someone to a Sunday service as a means of evangelism may be well-meaning, these are not the most effective avenues to reach the lost. With this approach, you may expect to:

  • Feel disappointed when invites aren’t accepted
  • Feel frustrated that you cannot effectively reach your family and friends
  • Feel like you’re not actually sharing the gospel

We’ve been there. That’s why we created The Exchange!

Relational Evangelism

Our Bible Study and Seminar equip you with the tools and resources you need to effectively reach those who do not know Christ. With it you will:

  • Find success in sharing the gospel
  • Have confidence you’re making an impact, doing what God has called you to do
  • Welcome friends, family, and others into God’s family
  • Learn to form authentic relationships with unbelievers

Free Coaching and Resources

Gospel Talks Podcast

Exchange Youtube Channel

Exchange Newsletter

Exchange Facebook

Exchange Instagram

Exchange Blog


As a pastor, I am in need of an evangelistic tool that is faithful to the Scriptures, rooted in relationships for ongoing discipleship and user-friendly. The Exchange is each of those and more. My wife and I have effectively used The Exchange Bible studies in seeing our neighbors come to faith in Christ, first-time church guests, our children's friends’ parents and many other relationships that God has entrusted to us. We have found it effective with the unchurched, de-churched and churched. It clarifies the essentials of the Gospel in language that is accessible to our culture and faithful to the Bible.

Joel MosierGrace Life Church

Since 2012 I have offered The Exchange study to countless friends and family members and had the pleasure of praying with dozens who have committed their lives to Christ after using The Exchange studies. I highly recommend The Exchange to anyone seeking God’s truth. From the simplicity of life stories to the privileged walk with Jesus, The Exchange will guide you every step of the way.

Cathy WattVinalhaven, Maine

Not believing I had the need for God in my life, it was not until a dear friend shared the Exchange Bible Study with me did I come to understand the eternal consequences. In 2009, at the age of 38 I accepted the gift of grace from God through his son Jesus Christ. Months later, while jogging with a neighbor, I shared my testimony and invited him to go through the Exchange Bible Study. Both he and his wife accepted Christ. Since that time I have gone through the Exchange seminar and am truly grateful for the impact it has had on my life, my family, and many others I might never know! God is good; ALL the time!

Michael RogersHighlands Ranch, CO

The Exchange has been one of the greatest blessings to my ministry as a pastor. The seminar equipped us with the tools and confidence to be involved in gospel-driven relationships. Exchange tracts, Bible-study booklets and my Exchange bookmark are constantly within my reach. The Exchange has quickly become a way of life for me.

Ron PerryFaith Baptist Church in Folsom, CA

The Exchange has been transforming for our church. It is a way of presenting the gospel that is much less intimidating for the average church member. It is also very effective in a culture that is unfamiliar with biblical truth. We have studies going on constantly.

Pastor Kevin SchaalNorthwest Valley Baptist Church in Glendale, AZ

We have taken many through the Exchange and have been privileged to be a part of souls becoming a part of the family of God. The Exchange finds its way into most of Jeff's sermons as well as many of the Bible studies I teach. We love how it allows us to share the entirety of the gospel with great impact and clarity. We are eternally grateful for this tool and urge other believers to take the time to learn how to present the Exchange!

Deanna BarlettGraveview Church, Spartanburg, SC