The Exchange Responsive Reader. A custom-designed Bible study that presents the truths of God’s word clearly, and provides responsive question and answer sections so that you can continue discussing the key points of the gospel.
The Exchange Message App
A compelling and interactive gospel presentation and Bible study, on any device.
The Exchange Message App
A compelling and interactive gospel presentation and Bible study, on any device.
When attempting to share the gospel with someone in our modern world, it can be nearly impossible to break through the busyness and technology-driven life that most people live. So how are we supposed to effectively cut through the noise and give the word of God to our friends and loved ones?
The Exchange Message App is a gospel presentation, Bible study, and discipleship tool.
The app meets people where they are, and does so in an engaging and responsive way on their phone or tablet.
The app includes:
- The Exchange Experience: Self-guided and presentation modes for sharing the gospel
- The Exchange Responsive Reader: In-depth and interactive Bible studies that cultivate deeper understanding and engagement
- Interactive illustrations to enhance engagement and clarify key points
- Relevant scripture passages referenced and available throughout the gospel presentation
- Personalized tract using your name and your friend’s name.
- Messaging functionality between you and your friend to discuss key questions
- Digital downloads of Exchange Bible studies, with options for gifting to other users
- Easy to use invite feature which allows you to customize and send emails inviting friends to join you in a study
Being the witness God has called us to be can be a scary proposition. Where do I start? What do I say? What if they say…?
After 30 years in pastoral ministry, we’ve trained thousands of Christians in how to share their faith effectively.
The Exchange Message App is built upon the lessons learned and is filled with answers to the most common questions. It’s the tool you never knew existed, but that you will come back to for years to come.