The purpose of The Exchange is to teach the gospel and empower believers to reach others.
About Us
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15
Why do we do what we do?
It's All About The Circle of Ministry
Having a relationship with Jesus is the most precious treasure you can ever posses. But simply knowing Jesus for yourself is not what Christ called us to. The Bible clearly teaches us that once we trust Jesus to forgive our sins and save us from a punishment that we deserve, we are compelled to share the good news with others.
To make this command real in our ministry, we’ve crafted a series of tools to guide believers through this Circle of Ministry.

The Circle of Ministry
Exchange > Living > Giving
1: Exchange
Beginning Your Relationship with Jesus
Jesus is the Son of God. He came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died in our place to save you and me from our sin. When you trust Jesus to pay the price of your sin, you become a child of God – the start of a real relationship with Him. This is the cornerstone of the Bible and our ministry.
We call this The Exchange – when Jesus exchanges our sinful record for His perfect righteousness through His personal sacrifice.
For our sake God made Jesus to be sin for us (who knew no sin), so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
You can learn more about the exchange Jesus made for you in The Exchange Bible Study!
Get The Exchange2: Living the Exchange
Growing as Christ’s Follower
Trusting in Jesus is just the beginning. When Jesus was on earth, He chose 12 ordinary people to become His disciples. These men left their lives as fishermen and tax collectors to follow Him. Jesus taught them what it meant to have a relationship with Him. In the process, He taught them that their new lives would be defined by their own journey to do the same teaching process with others – we call this discipleship.
Jesus not only took your sin penalty; He gave you Himself! Everything that Christ is, He is in you and He wants to live His life in and through you!
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. -Galatians 2:20
You can learn more about being a disciple of Jesus through Living The Exchange!
Get Living The Exchange3: Giving the Exchange
Reaching Others with The Good News
Like the disciples Jesus taught on earth, He has challenged us with a similar task. You see, there are people all around us who need to know how to have a relationship with Him, and He has purposely placed you in their lives so that you can teach them what it means to be a Christian. Whether it’s your neighbor, your family, or your barista, Jesus wants to use you as a disciple to share His good news with others.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. -Mark 16:15
You can learn more about sharing your faith effectively through Giving The Exchange!
Get Giving The Exchange
Schedule a Seminar
The Exchange offers a training Seminar for local churches. If you’re looking to cultivate a culture of evangelism and discipleship in your church, you’re going to love The Exchange Seminar.
About The Exchange
The Exchange is a not-for profit ministry based in Colorado founded and led by husband-wife team, Jeff and Anna Musgrave.

Jeff and Anna Musgrave have more than 30 years experience in pastoral ministry. Jeff holds his Master’s degree in Bible and received an honorary doctor of divinity in 2013. The couple planted Highlands Baptist Church in Centennial, Colorado, where Jeff served as pastor for 26 years before traveling the world, training believers in evangelism and discipleship.
Jeff and Anna’s passion for seeing lives transformed by Christ led them to develop a ministry of relational evangelism and discipleship training. Jeff’s pastoral background coupled with Anna’s real-life stories and experiences are the basis for the teaching they now hope to share with the world. Since founding the Exchange in 2010, Jeff and Anna have been equipping local churches and have been humbled to see God prepare Christians to relationally share the gospel for His glory.