Imagine driving on a twisty mountain road in the dark of night during a drenching rain. Ahead of you is a bridge, and you watch as the bridge is swept away in the storm. Now imagine another driver speeding recklessly toward that bridge. Wouldn’t you do everything humanly possible to warn that driver? And if he heeds your warning, you have just helped save a life. That’s a good thing, right? Evangelism is joining God as He supernaturally delivers people from impending doom. Now that’s a good thing! Then, why is it so hard to persevere through obstacles? What causes us to give up? This is part two of an article encouraging us to relentlessly pursue. We want to examine some of the reasons we are tempted to give up when sharing our faith, suggestions to help us persevere and real-time examples of believers who persevered through obstacles.
What causes us to give up on people?
Most of the time it’s negative feedback that tempts us to give up. But we must be cautious of wrongly interpreting subliminal messages. For instance, let’s say that our friend has agreed to study the Bible with us, but he doesn’t answer our calls or texts to establish a time to do the study. Or perhaps he puts off studying for various reasons. Sometimes we see resistance, a cold response or even anger. We may have been able to begin a study, but we can’t seem to get past lesson 2. In instances like these we must persevere. Don’t assume your friend doesn’t want to study when he doesn’t answer your calls. He may have a legitimate reason. If your friend is pushing you away, who is behind that? It’s certainly not God. What we interpret as a cold, angry or resistant response may very likely be conviction. And if it’s conviction, Who is doing the convicting? It’s God’s Spirit. In every evangelism experience we have these two polar opposites: God is at work and Satan is doing his best to stop God’s work. But we know that “…He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
Make this your goal!
When God sovereignly places an unbeliever in your life, the most loving action you can take is to share the gospel. As long as God leaves the door open, keep pursing. You may have to measure how often you reach out to your friend, but you can trust God’s Spirit to lead you.
Benefits of an evangelistic Bible Study
An evangelistic Bible study becomes an especially powerful tool when we consider relentlessly pursuing an unbeliever.
- It’s not just one shot of the gospel. It’s at least four separate gospel conversations.
- The investment of time shows your friend that you are willing to make personal sacrifices for him/her.
- It’s like hooking your friend up to a Bible IV. The Exchange Bible Study has over 150 verses in four lessons. And there is great power in the Word of God. It pierces like a sword, making clear the truth of God’s Word.
- Studying the Bible in a social environment helps break down barriers.
A few tips that help break down barriers in studying The Exchange Bible Study:
- Avoid arguments.
- Always be kind and loving.
- Remember that people need to be seen and heard.
- Your friend needs to know that you care and are willing to listen – willing to answer hard questions and deal with messy lives
Enjoy two short stories that illustrate the benefit of persevering through obstacles.
Mandy met a guest at church. In getting to know her, Mandy recognized this was a divine appointment. God providentially placed Alyssa in her life, and they began to do The Exchange Bible Study together. But, before lesson 2, Alyssa texted to let Mandy know she and her husband were having severe marital difficulties and she just couldn’t keep studying. She felt overwhelmed. But Mandy didn’t give up. Instead, she frequently messaged Alyssa and encouraged her through this difficult time. Mandy’s relentless pursuit resulted not only in Alyssa’s salvation, but her husband also trusted Christ. Their entire family is transformed because Mandy didn’t give up.
(For the full story https://exchangemessage.org/evangelistic-bible-studies-wont-work-in-the-west/
My friend, Barbie, had a divine appointment in the orthodontist’s office, of all places! Barbie invited the woman who had confided in her to do The Exchange Bible Study and was surprised by her immediate positive response. God was at work, but so was Satan. Barbie tried repeatedly to set up a time to study. The response? Crickets! Barbie shared with us that she didn’t think this woman was really interested. We reminded her of how sovereignly God had been at work and encouraged her not to give up. Barbie didn’t give up! There was a legitimate reason for her friend’s lack of response. They began studying The Exchange, and several weeks later we got a text from her pastor that there was a new soul in Elyria, OH.
Over the past fourteen years of collecting evangelism stories from believers all over the world, two themes run through almost all of them – opposition and overcoming. When believers have the spirit of relentlessly pursuing through obstacles and souls are saved, God’s greatness is put on full display and others are inspired to persevere.
God, the relentless pursuer, is ready to give you the strength and courage to persevere. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b) So, “be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them [the enemy], for it is the Lord you God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deut. 31:6)
Don’t give up!

Anna Musgrave is the Cofounder of The Exchange and serves as an Exchange Trainer with her husband Jeff. Contact Anna at anna@exchangemessage.org