Our God answers prayer! Before leaving for a recent flight, Heather specifically asked God to seat her next to someone she could lead to Him.
Heather’s seat assignment was next to a woman whose daughter was attending the same medical school from which Heather’s son-in-law had just graduated. So, they hit it off from the start. Heather writes, “I prayed for the Lord to give me courage and the right words to say. As we talked, I was able to give my testimony, and I weaved in Scripture and illustrations I had learned from the Exchange. She told me she had never heard it explained that way and I asked her if she had ever prayed to accept the Lord as her personal Savior. Her response? “No.” I asked her if she wanted to and she said yes!!
So, I pulled out my phone with the Exchange app and proceeded to look up the prayer at the end. I discussed it with her and prayed with her following that written prayer. After we got done praying, she said that she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her. AFTER she prayed to accept the Lord she wanted to look at the app, so I went through the gospel again using the app. She told me her life has been completely changed. I know that God had prepared her heart well before I even showed up and I was so thankful to be used by Him in this way.”
What a powerful reminder that God hears and answers prayer and that souls are being saved, even at 30,000 feet.