Laura Williams & Lanathya
Have you ever had a guest show up at your church without an invitation or a connection to someone in the church? When that happens – you may be involved in a divine appointment!
That’s exactly what took place the morning Lanathya decided to visit a new church and ended up at Crosspointe in Indianapolis. No one invited her, she knew no one in the church, BUT God was at work! Laura Williams invited Lanathya to sit with her. At the invitation Lanathya leaned over and asked, “Should I go forward?” Laura decided to go to a quiet place where they could talk.
Lanathya was confused and unable to articulate her salvation: “I grew up in church and I want to do right. I just don’t know how.”
Laura had just been trained through The Exchange at Crosspointe and recognized this as a divine appointment, so she invited Lanathya to do The Exchange Bible Study. Later Laura learned that Lanathya had longed for someone who would take her under her wing and mentor her. She could hardly believe it. God was meeting the longing of her heart! She now had a friend who would lovingly lead her to Jesus and mentor her!
After lesson 2, Laura shared with us, “Super excited to report that Lanathya accepted Christ tonight! She made the connection between ‘the exchange’ of our sin for Christ’s righteousness.” That exchange is exactly what Lanathya needed to rid herself of sin. A sign of genuine conversion is Lanathya’s desire to do The Exchange with one of her friends.
After lesson 3 Laura wrote, “Just finished up the lesson with Lanathya! This girl is such a gem! She sat at the table tonight and wept because she was so overwhelmed and encouraged by God’s love for her – how He pursued her and drew her to Himself. She is so excited to go to church because of all she is learning. What a privilege it is to walk through the Word with her!
Laura wrote to encourage us, and we share this to encourage you. Reach out to your friends who need the gospel. Offer to study the Bible with them. You just might be our next story of a divine appointment and a transformed life.
“Thank you for your ministry and sharing your tools with us. I have needed something like this for so long and didn’t even know it. It is such a natural way to share Truth that can easily be misunderstood in this day and age. The Holy Spirit has already used it to give me more boldness and compassion since the focus is on the Truth of God’s Word and not my ability to say the right thing.”