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Salvation Testimonies


By March 3, 2014May 23rd, 2019No Comments

“We can’t sit around and wait for ‘open doors!’ Often the doors are open, we just have to jiggle the handle.”

Beneth Perry was impacted by these words of a friend of hers. Beneth’s neighbor had visited church, but seemed to put up her guard a bit. Recently Ron (Beneth’s husband), after noticing how friendly this neighbor seemed, suggested Beneth try to form a relationship with her. Beneth’s response was, “I never see her, and I don’t have her number.” Ron’s practical reply was, “You know where she lives.” I loved Beneth’s response! “Oh, I guess I could just walk over there and invite her over for brownies and ice cream.”

Beneth writes, “Tonight, the girls and I jiggled a handle: we walked over to our new neighbor’s and invited her for brownies and ice-cream Thursday evening. She said yes immediately. She seems very eager to talk about church. So my desire is to use that to discuss spiritual things and then ask her to start the Bible study with me.”

Let’s join Beneth, praying for the salvation of her neighbor, and let’s all start “jiggling handles!”

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