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Salvation Testimonies


By May 19, 2015August 12th, 2019No Comments

LaurenThis email from our summer intern brought ear-to-ear grins from Jeff & I. Enjoy Lauren’s Story!

“’I can stop worrying and trying. Now I can just rest in the exchange Jesus made for me!’” Those were the words a woman told me after completing lesson 4 of The Exchange Inquirer’s Bible study together.

A little over a month ago I asked a lady I knew if she would like to do a Bible study with me. She agreed to it and we met for our first lesson the following week. One of the questions that is asked in the beginning of the study is if you are 100% sure that all your sins are forgiven and that you are going to heaven. Her answer was, “No” and she didn’t think that you could be sure. She was very eager for the next few lessons when I told her that she could be 100% sure and that I was.

Over the next three weeks as we went through the first three lessons, the Lord continually opened her eyes to new things that she had never known or heard about in the Bible. Amidst cancelling twice, we finally got together to do the last lesson together. She had a large smile on her face as we began and when we got to the end of the lesson, she fully understood the Gospel and was ready to accept the exchange of our sin for Jesus’ righteousness. After she did so, with a smile she said, “I can stop worrying and trying – now I can just rest in the exchange Jesus made for me!” I know without a doubt, the angels in heaven were and are rejoicing!”


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