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Evangelism Tips

Evangelism Tips!

By December 28, 2019No Comments

While at First Baptist Church of Wixom, Laura shared some excellent tips with her church family. We thought you’d profit from these as you step into a new year, seeking to share the gospel with the people in your sphere of influence!

  • In my experience, people are far more receptive than we anticipate. I put off asking one friend to the study because she had seemed very indifferent to the things of God in the past. When I finally did ask her, it was clear God had been working and she said, “You know I think that’s really what I need right now.” Again, I was surprised but thankful that God works when we don’t even realize. When we did the study, she was very receptive and said she’d never heard most of the truths about Jesus. I often worry that people will have super hard questions, but everyone has been very interested and asked questions for understanding rather than anger.
  • Be patient with the timing of scheduling the (4) lessons. The first study is pretty easy to schedule, others are not. Satan doesn’t want you to meet with this person, but stay on it without putting too much pressure on the person. I had to split up all of the studies into two parts with one coworker because she had limited time. But we got through it!
  • We never know how long of a time we have to share our faith with someone before they are out of our lives. I’ve learned that when God puts someone on my heart, I need to seek to share with them right away. Another coworker I did the study with was on my heart for a long time. When I knew I was going on maternity leave, I worked up the courage to ask her to do it with me. Little did I know that she was going to quit just a few weeks later and we had just enough time to finish the study before she left. Another dear friend of mine tragically passed away before we were able to do the study, though we tried many times to schedule it.
  • Last, the Exchange study is a great way to ensure you’re getting that saving truth to souls and not just general truth about God. I often think, if someone were on a plane about to crash, would they have the knowledge they need to accept Christ? Doing the Exchange with someone will leave you assured that you have planted the seed in someone’s heart and God can give the increase. Obviously you can give someone the gospel in a few minutes if needed, but the Exchange is a way to build an ongoing, caring relationship that is open for dialogue with someone who you have longer term contact with. People always say they appreciate the amount of time taken to meet with them, and I tell them it’s the most important thing I could choose to do!

I highly recommend coming to Exchange training and learning more on how to reach our community. This is a great tool that helped me have structured way to preach the gospel to those around me. It’s an investment in eternity so you won’t regret it.

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