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Salvation Testimonies


By May 9, 2014August 9th, 2019No Comments

Easter 2014 006This fascinating salvation story from Lana at Northwest Valley Baptist Church reminds all of us that the evil one whispers uncertainties in our ears, “She’s not really interested.” “This is not a good time, etc.” Lana listened to God and, as a result, her friend will be in heaven!

Angela and I went to elementary through early high school together and were more acquaintances than anything else. We became friends on facebook and about 6 months or so the Lord started laying her on my heart. I could see she had gotten married and was still living in town, but I hadn’t talked to her since early high school. (about 8 years) After many months of prayer and the Lord’s nudging my husband and I invited them over for dessert. We asked if they would be interested in doing the Exchange with us and they agreed. After the first lesson the holidays came and time pasted. Angela stated that her husband didn’t feel comfortable with the study but she was still interested. Her and I did lesson 2. Then we bought a house and I became pregnant and time got away from us again. I knew we needed to continue the study, but I felt that she may not be interested anymore. But the Lord kept laying her on my heart, heavily! I invited Angela over for hot cocoa so we could catch up and asked if she wanted to finish the Bible study. (this was on a Tuesday) She agreed to meet the following Tuesday. Thursday she asked me if we could meet early and do the Bible study that afternoon! Shocked, I agreed. We reviewed the first two lessons, since it had been a year. After we went through lesson 3 she didn’t want to stop, we continued onto 4 and after the lesson she accepted the Lord! We both cried and praised the Lord. I explained to her how the Lord had laid her on my heart. She told me she had been having strange feelings that she really needed to talk to me! The Lord had been preparing her heart all along!

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