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Salvation Testimonies


By October 19, 2015August 12th, 2019No Comments

God can do anything! Enjoy this amazing story from Lydia in New Zealand.

“I met a young man at church who was visiting from LA. He is traveling around NZ as a Wofer (working on farms for board and food). I said hello and began conversation before church began, and it quickly became serious as we discussed the crystals he was holding. I eventually had to go play piano, but he came over to resume our conversation right after church. I really had felt God telling me to take him through the GPS, so I did, and we spent over an hour discussing full dependence on God. You see, when we were going through God’s judgment, he pointed to the verse that talks about the sins and said, “Oh, that’s me! I am a sorcerer!” I was a bit taken aback! He said it was how he found God, how he felt close to God. I kindly assured him that while his intentions were very good, Satan comes as an angel of light wanting to be served as a god, and he had been deceived. By the end of the GPS, he insisted that he wanted to pray, and I prayed as well (on my knees with fear and trembling for his soul!) He was very emotional and sincere, willingly giving me his precious crystals. He apparently gave up more crystals when he got back to where he was staying as well. Sorcery was his livelihood, but he now knows the truth. He has chosen so far not to get back in touch with me, but I am still praying diligently for him as the devil will be fighting hard to get him back into sin. Please add him to your prayer list as only God knows the heart, but God also has more power and can use Michael in a mighty way if he is allowed. God has given me a peace regarding this young man, and I am so thankful that he was brought to our church to hear the truth. I also gave him a Bible and the Exchange Bible study so he could have a review of what we had discussed as well. To God be all glory and victory, let us pray for this young man! Thank you!”

(11891105_10153604504449301_140737347671234050_n-300x300Lydia’s church was trained in The Exchange during our summer mission work.)

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