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Salvation Testimonies


By June 15, 2015August 12th, 2019No Comments

DSC_8166Allan Beck, from Calvary Baptist in Warren Maine, is using basketball as an opportunity to reach men in his community. And guess what? – it’s working! Enjoy his story.

“Over the past four years I have sponsored a basketball team in a local men’s league organized by First Baptist Church of Waldoboro Maine.

Besides my love for the game and the need for exercise, the main motive behind my decision was to develop relationships with other men in the community with the ultimate goal of sharing the gospel of Christ.

After this past season, we continued playing once a week at our church gym with as many men from the team who had interest. God orchestrated the idea of meeting with two men together rather than continuing the attempt to meet just one on one.

The Lord opened an opportunity to start a Bible Study with two of the men prior to our 6:30 Monday night pickup games.  Joel (teammate, brother in Christ and fellow church member for 32 years) and I met with Nathan and Dylan three times over six weeks and praise God, both of them placed their trust in Christ the same night at the end of our third Bible study!

I am so grateful for this privilege of seeing a harvest and look forward to seeing these men grow in their new relationship with Christ. I am also very thankful to God for using Jeff and Anna so powerfully in the ministry He has called them to.”


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